JP-600 Bar Code Printers

Markdown System

JP-600 Markdown System gives us real satisfaction!

       Today, the needs from the customers at supermarkets are becoming more critical. To survive this severe competition, the supermarkets are seriously required to respond to the customers' needs at real time. For example, the customers are very critical of the price.

       This time, let us present you our JP-600 MARKDOWN SYSTEM for such supermarkets. It's really the most suitable system in order to respond to the customers' needs.


JP-600 printers can mainly issue three types of  labels as below.

1.Issuing the barcode labels

Description of item: BEEF

Price: $24.00

Flag Code: 20

 Item Code: 12311




Price Label (32x32mm)

2.Issuing the MARKDOWN labels

Original Price: $24.00

Markdown Price: $5.00

Price after Markdown: $19.00

Markdown Label  (32x50mm)

(Including 15mm barcode slip)

3.Summing up the markdown total. (In case that the discount as the above was executed three times.)

Total of the original price: $72.00

Total of the price after markdown: $57.00

Markdown total: $15.00.

Total Markdown Data Slip



Advantages of JP-600 MARKDOWN SYSTEM

1.It supports your sales promotion strategy.

       If they are using the POS system as PLU system at the supermarkets, they can trace the original price and catch all the information about markdown by scanning the markdown labels in real time. It continues their sales strategy. Even if they are using barcode as NON-PLU, they can issue the list of markdown total and can catch the sales at present precisely.

2.Increase of productivity as POS registration procedure and decrease of claims against price inputting mistakes.

       You issue the markdown labels and apply them onto the package of items. The markdown barcode slip can be divided from the markdown label and the markdown barcode slip will be applied onto the original barcode label. By doing so, they can avoid such mistakes as scanning old original price instead of new markdown price. Looking at the new markdown price applied onto the package, customers can be satisfied with the reasonable cost of items.

3.No need to keep lots of preprinted labels in stock.

       The supermarkets don't need to prepare the preprinted labels for markdown in advance. Because they can issue the markdown labels with JP-600 printer on the blank labels freely and promptly. The shop assistants go to the spot and find out the goods left unsold at the item showcase. They can decide the suitable markdown price for the goods left unsold and can issue the markdown labels there at real time. 

Contact Address:

Mr. Michihiro Mukaida: