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About Barcode

Bar-coding has been used in the wide range of working sights all over the world over the past twenty years. The way of using barcode is actually endless. It's primary benefits are fast and accurate data input and output. By bar-coding system, the real-time data capture and transmission was realized. In this page, we hope that you will be able to know the practical barcode application in your business field. 

[1] What is barcode ? / basic knowledge about barcode symbols; Linear Barcode, 2-D Barcode, etc.

[2] Advantages of Barcode System /good effects of introducing barcode systems; Improved Productivity, Accuracy, etc.
[3] Examples of Barcode Practical Use / Barcode is indispensable and versatile tool in every field; for Shipping, Inventory, etc.
[4] Barcode Solution by HALLO Barcode Printers / Why HALLO Barcode Printers are recommendable?; Portability, Speed, etc.
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